As a parent, nothing beats the unmatched joy of watching your child make a difference by scoring that amazing goal, making that perfect pass, or saving a goal to win the match. Our hearts swell and we get misty-eyed.
But, navigating the soccer industrial complex is really hard...
This book is for intentional parents who want their kids to be the best versions of themselves on the soccer pitch and in life. The game can teach the mindset, process, and skills needed to be successful in life. These elements can drive your child’s success in life by providing a foundation of creativity, grit, and confidence.
There is a lot of noise in youth soccer; just listen to the sidelines of a weekend game. Having never done it before, parents and kids are trying to figure it all out in real-time. The game and coaching have changed dramatically in the last 10 years. It can be confusing and frustrating.
For these reasons, parents need to know what they don’t know and educate themselves. They need to be open to new, innovative ways to improve rather than settling for the ways soccer has always been done. You have to be willing to try new things to “hack the system.”
This book is designed to educate you on the most you need to know in as few words as possible. The truth is that your child will need to be 10% different in order to be successful. We are going to pitch you on unique ways to help your child be different. We will make the case in short chapters, then you decide. Read these chapters again over the years as needs will change as your child matures.
Our most important credential is that we are soccer parents writing for soccer parents. Our children have played at all levels. We have coached and played at different youth levels and colleges.
“If they fall in love with a ball at some young level, (that) catalyst causes them to become elite. (If you are) the sort of barking parent that sits on top of them and critiques them after every game, then trust me, they're never going to get to a higher level." Anson Dorrance, UNC Women’s Soccer Coach & Winner of 21 NCAA Championships
“There's so many important life lessons to be taken from soccer. If I ever have kids, my hope for my kids would be that they would learn all the life lessons that I've learned." Sam Mewis, US Women’s National Team & World Cup Winner
“I wish every parent got a parent handbook to support your kid. Here's a checklist of things that you can do to support yourself and a realistic application to support your kids…” Heath Pearce, US Men's National Team & MLS Player
“Let them experience it. Let the kids decide that soccer is for them. Let them have the passion and the commitment and the dedication coming from them. Not coaches telling them, not parents telling them; it's got to come internally." Skip Gilbert, CEO - US Youth Soccer Association